We wonder how Bethenny’s husband, Jason Hoppy, feels about this interview?
The Bravo star opened up to Redbook about what sex was like for her after giving birth to her daughter, Bryn.
“It was like sticking my foot in a pool of cold water,” Bethenny tells Redbook. “I could have gone on forever not having sex. It wasn’t a personal thing toward my husband — I think Jason’s the sexiest man alive. But it was kind of nice to be like, ‘Nope, store’s closed.’ ”
Bethenny gave birth to her daughter via C-section, but still said it was painful to have sex after.
“It doesn’t matter where the baby comes out; they still cut stuff,” she says. “It was kind of like being a virgin. We had to tread lightly.”
But Bethenny works hard with her husband to set the mood.
“If it’s date night, I’m putting on lingerie and we’re having sex,” Bethenny says. “If it’s the weekend and our schedules aren’t crazy, we’re having sex. But the fact that I’m even using the term ‘date night’ shows how different things are now.”
And they may still try for baby number-two!
“We throw caution to the wind and use the withdrawal method now,” she says. “If we got pregnant again, we’d be happy.”
Credit: OK! Magazine (Nicole Eggenberger )