It’s “absolutely not true,” Taylor shares exclusively with OK!. “My husband, Russell, and I are together and in love and happier than ever. But I do want to tell OK! exactly what did happened. I decided I needed to drop a few pounds, but I went to unhealthy extremes.”
How did it all start?
Russell brought home diet supplements two months ago because someone he knows wanted him to look at the company. We didn’t discuss the business end of it, but I started taking the supplements without him knowing. In the back of my mind I didn’t think they would even work, so I wasn’t worried — they were all natural and I thought you had to take prescription drugs to really ever lose weight.
Why did you think you needed them?
You know how it is as a woman; I was feeling my clothes were tight. I get everything tailored to fit me just right, so even if I gain just a few pounds my clothes don’t fit. I’d gained some weight because I was so busy with the show, being a wife and mother and running my start-up business (beautyticket.com). We went to charity events at night and I was eating unhealthy “event food” or drive-thru food, so I felt I needed to lose some weight. When I was taking the supplements, I had so much energy and wasn’t hungry — I thought it was great at first.
Has Russell ever made you feel self-conscious about your body?
Not at all. As a matter of fact, like most men, he likes me best when I am voluptuous. Recently we were looking at photos and he pointed out one and said I looked so lovely in it. I laughed as I told him: “I was five months pregnant there!”
When did you know you’d gone too far?
It was Russell who got me to admit the truth. He saw I wasn’t eating much and that I was too thin. I wasn’t weighing myself or taking my measurements, but when he said it I knew he was right.
Credit: OK! Magazine