Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Countess LuAnn On Press, Overzealous Suitors


When it comes to etiquette, manners and overall good behavior, even celebrities need help navigating the rough waters of stardom! It’s a good thing Countess LuAnn de Lesseps of the Real Housewives of New York is joining forces with OK! to school them on the right thing to do! In a rough situation, we just ask, “What Would the Countess Do?” This week the Countess counsels tween role models taking on adulthood and handling jabs from the media gracefully.

Justin Bieber was recently videotaped lashing out at a paparazzo for getting close, and Miley Cyrus also lectured a photographer for running into her mom. How do you deal with the press when it becomes that intrusive?
Paparazzi can be downright pushy and Justin and Miley have every right to express their displeasure when photographers get too close. I’m sure the paparazzi involved were just trying to do their jobs; however there is a difference between doing your job and being too aggressive. I always appreciate when paparazzi ask to take my photo first and respect my answer. The hard part of being a celebrity is being gracious even when paparazzi are over-zealous.
Tip: When the paparazzi stop hounding you, it’s time to worry!

Some of your fellow Real Housewives were reportedly slipped Rohypnol at an NYC bar. What are some tips from preventing all kinds of unwanted advances on a night out, from the extreme of being drugged to just turning down overzealous suitors?
It is always best to go out with another person or a group of friends if you want to avoid being approached by strange men. Never sit at a bar alone or accept a drink from someone you do not know. My fellow Real Housewives escaped unharmed from their Rohypnol experience but it could have turned out much worse. Just say “no thank you” and go back to having fun with your friends. Signal to a bouncer if your potential suitor doesn’t get the hint that you are not interested in his advances.
Tip: Don’t accept candy (or drinks) from strangers!