Now don't get me wrong - I love a little drama - but what happened to all of the genuine friendships? Sure, Tamra and Vicki have made up since the backstabbing of last season on Tamra's part, but is anything really "real" in Orange County any more?
One thing that seems to be is the new housewife, Peggy Tanous. She really kept me sane throughout this season. Everything I was shouting at the TV, she was saying! She's got a great personality and a hot husband. Alexis seemed out to get her from day one, but she stood her ground and rolled with the punches. Seeing her live on WWHL was great - she's really funny and I LOVE the way she handles her former friend, Alexis Bellino.
I really liked Alexis last season but this season I'm just not falling for her religious crap. I grew up in a Christian family and the attire she leaves home in was never acceptable. And getting wasted in Texas? Then, one week she says she dealt with an eating disorder and the next week she put on a skimpy oufit and said "no food is going in this body.." That sure isn't sending a great message. Last night, she called WWHL to steal the spotlight from Peggy (obviously) and ended up making a total ass out of herself on live TV so that was a highlight for me.
Oh and Tamra, what can I say? She was always a favorite of mine but I feel like the whole Jeana Keough situation was heightened for the cameras. The classy way would have been to call her and tell her to stay out of it, when she didn't serve her privately with papers, not at a friend's party - especially when that friend already has all sorts of issues she's dealing with. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt though, she just got divorced, has a new boyfriend, she must be in a transitional phase and is probably trying to figure out who she really is.
I have never been a Gretchen fan - at least not of her personality. And when I came across those disgraceful pictures of her on the internet that sealed the deal. Last night when Tamra was dealing with her issues, Gretchen had to make it about her and "this is what you did to me.. now you know how I feel.." I'm surprised she didn't get a drink thrown in HER face! But she's a great business woman so I respect her in that sense.
Last but not least, Vicki - she has stayed Vicki through all six seasons. Sure, maybe she works a little much, but she's a working woman and everybody's priorities are different. Hopefully one day she'll have it all!