Yesterday, Slade Smiley spoke with E! regarding Tamra Barney's constant claims that he is a deadbeat dad saying, "she doesn't have much credibility" and "I am still very confused as to why Tamra thinks any of this is her business, and we find it very creepy she would reach out and have a conversation with someone she has never met (his ex, Michelle)."
Naturally, Tamra Barney is firing back and expaining her relatinoship with Slade's ex, Michelle Aroyo, and of course, adding a few sprinkles of insults to the top!
"We became friends through a mutual friend," Barney told E!'s Marc Malkin. "I feel extremely sorry for her and my heart breaks for her and Grayson. Michelle is a very strong woman and went out of her way to contact me today to tell me that she was proud of me for standing up for her and Grayson and to keep my head up."
But Tamra isn't letting him get her down, "While he accused me of many false and bold lies throughout the entire season, I am not crying to the press about them because his allegations are false. The bottom line is that I don't care what Slade has to say about me. Like Gretchen, he thrives on lies and manipulation."