On the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion part 2, Slade Smiley once again found himself having to defend himself to Tamra Barney and trying to prove, once again, that he is not a deadbeat dad. He spoke to E! News about his thoughts on the whole thing.
"I can let everything Tamra says roll off my back for the most part because she doesn't have much credibility," Smiley said. "However, when it comes to making an accusation about me and the support of my sick son in a global manner, I think that is beyond reprehensible and she has gone way too far."
During the reunion, Tamra even got Slade's ex on the phone! "I am still very confused as to why Tamra thinks any of this is her business, and we find it very creepy she would reach out and have a conversation with someone she has never met," Slade says.